Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gaining Momentum

Ok, so while I am just getting started in the whole blog world, I have been on this journey to reconnect with my dreams for awhile now. If you are tuning in midway through let me get you up to speed...

I went to NYC to pursue my dreams of being an actor. Lived there for 7 years, loved it, and it was a life changing time, but I spent more time waiting tables then starring in shows. I decided to try something else I was passionate about and ended up working in fashion, well sort of, if you call footless pantyhose fashion. SPANX is now a house old name, but it wasn't at the time. Around this time met a great guy, who also happened to live in Atlanta where SPANX was based, and before I knew it I was packing my bags and moving to the ATL!

After getting married, and leaving SPANX I was unsure what to do next. I wasn't up for trying to learn the theater scene in Atlanta, and the fashion world in the South, was a little lacking. The problem is having studied acting, the job best suited my skills was sales. So I sold, ad space at least for a little while. It was for a wedding magazine, and while I loved the industry, sales quotas were not my thing. I left and briefly tried my hand at a gift basket business, Atlanta Basket Cases, and while it had a great name, and a good first year, when I got pregnant, we decided it wasn't viable enough to keep going without me, and running a business with baby on board was getting tricky.

We moved to Athens, which after living in Time Square for 7 years, felt like life had come to a halt. It's a nice town, but a small town, lots of great people, but it got old fast. I was at home with a baby, and ready to pull my hair out. When my husband took a new job, we got the chance to move back to Atlanta, and the pace picked up a little. This is when I made the decision to go back to school. First time I didn't get a degree, I got a diploma, and college credit, but it was an acting conservatory, so I thought it was time to bite the bullet go back and get a new direction. Having gone to a performing arts high school, I knew if I was going to go back to school it had to be an artsy one, so I headed to SCAD Atlanta. While my true passion was photography, having studies such a niche thing the first time around I felt I needed to study something broader and went into Advertising Design. I have always been drawn to marketing, branding, and design elements, so it seemed like a good fit. I thought if nothing else I could keep working on my photography, and one day design some killer marketing and advertising pieces for myself.

Two years into school, I loved it, and was getting straight A's but felt like it was time to have another kid, before the first one got much older. So, took the plunge, got pregnant, and took a break from school.

I forgot to mention I got a Nikon digital SLR in 2006. I have always loved photography, started with a 110 camera in elementary school, came in second place in a Kodak contest in middle school, and was Historian of the Thespian Society in high school. Once I had my daughter my fascination with capturing those critical moments was taken to new heights. I started shooting friends kids, and at the end of 2010 launched a site, and started charging for my work.

Baby #2 is now almost 7 months old, and my photography business is picking up momentum. I have put school on hold, and decided to see what happens if I give my photography dreams some space to grow.

OK, now you're up to speed, that's assuming anyone read long enough to get to this point. If you did, wow, thanks for sticking with me! Would love for you to follow my blog, or leave a brief comment. I promise to keep future posts a lot briefer!


Anonymous said...

yay!!! You have a blog! And I love it! Great job Bre!

Kressal said...

Excited to see where this story goes and so proud of you for fearlessly following your dreams. xok

Unknown said...

Hey Bre,

Ok so photography is involved in a major way and continuing studies a possibility for later. At least you got a head start on the studies so it won't take you long if you decide to continue. But I've seen your photos on Facebook and they're really good!